ON MARCH 31st, 2021, NEW SHOWROOMS BY ELPRANProjecten.com ​

ON MARCH 31st, 2021, NEW SHOWROOMS BY ELPRANProjecten.com

Glenda Heyliger, Nash Caldera, Armando Ruiz. 

(ORANJESTAD- February 19, 2021) EL PRAN Projecten is a virtual art platform and an organization that manages social, educational, documentary, and contemporary art projects. The production of its next three showrooms is in development. These showrooms will be open from March 31 to June 30, 2021. 

We are pleased to present  the following artists for the second edition of our showrooms:
-Glenda Heyliger from Aruba;
-Nash Caldera from Curacao (based in the Netherlands);
-and Armando Ruiz from Colombia/Venezuela. 

These three proposals will have a curatorial accompaniment coordinated by EL PRAN’s founding artist Nelson Gonzalez, in collaboration with the international guest curator Gerardo Zavarce (Venezuela/ Dominican Republic).

For EL PRAN Projecten, it is of importance to recognize the creative and artistic potential of Aruban creators. Furthermore, to establish a reflection on the spaces of diffusion, production, and artistic presentations; quite complex for the forms of social encounter. For this reason, we stick to the production of virtual projects, maintaining all the investigative and documentary elements that we know when presenting curatorial, social, and artistic projects. 

We invite you to visit the three showrooms open at the moment: ‘Memories From Nápoles,’ ‘From Dust, We Come,’ and ‘Cuando El Recuerdo Se Convierte En Polvo II.’ All part of the first edition of our virtual exhibition program; a curatorial production between Aruba, Colombia, and Cuba.

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