EL PRAN Projecten presents Memories from Nápoles

(ORANJESTAD – December 11, 2020) Under the curatorship of Santiago Rueda and Harold Ortiz, EL PRAN Projecten presents Recuerdos de Nápoles. This is a collective virtual exhibition that uses oral elements as an artery of its artistic productions.
The historical traces between the Dutch Caribbean and Colombia, in their chronological context, were always as direct as they are today. Just like we are communicating directly via a voice note or a video call. The exhibition reconnects these historical links; by joining elements of heritage and aesthetics that unite us.
This virtual exhibition will take place through an organic process. The artists and curators will be attaching, modifying, and adding new elements to share with the public; for a period of three months.
Memories of Nápoles is like a subchapter of the research carried out by Santiago Rueda from Colombia, who is accompanied this time by Harold Ortiz, wherein he manages to harmonize historical narratives around drugs and society in Latin America.
Memories of Nápoles is presented by EL PRAN Projecten as a result of the “Curaduría Malandra” research.
Opening. Dec. 31, 2020, At 12:AM
Until 31 March 2021.
Recuerdos de Nápoles
Artists: Alberto Baraya, Edwin Sánchez, Camilo Restrepo, Jim Fannkugen, Leonardo Herrera, Oliver Ehmig, Sebastián Munera, Hernán Pruden, Nelson Guzman Avellaneda, Luisa Ungar, Tatyana Zambrano, Rio Brachyura
General Curator: Nelson González
Curador: Santiago Rueda – Harold Ortiz
Producción: Zurishaddai Tremus